Self-Help/ Self-Improvement

What can we potentially achieve in these days of complete lockdown

COVID19 pandemic : a global health crisis which emerged from China last year and now has millions of cases all around the world. Authorities have found one most effective measure to stop man-to-man spreading of this virus i.e. complete lockdown.

These days of complete lockdown are enough to make a change in yourself by inculcating something as a habit.

The fight against coronavirus aka COVID19 is unprecedented, therefore we had to take unprecedented decisions. ~Hon. PM NARENDRA MODI

When most of the people around you will be just scrolling their times, you will be learning and improving yourself for your better tomorrow on the the other side. So, here we are, with some of the best habit to bring decency in your life. It can be a head start for you if you can go after these routine in your existence :

  • Read Books –  You can develop the ability to see the world from other’s point of view. You can understand the value of listening, appreciating, and empathizing. I can say that books has so many things to learn from, but the most unique lesson the books taught is to use the right words to express our emotion and remove the negative words from our vocabulary. For example, instead of using the word ‘hatred’ for anyone, use the word ‘dislike’ or ‘disagreement’, and you can see a vast difference in your life.  I have shared the links of some wonderful books that you can buy after clicking on the image :

  • Learn something related to your field of interest : This sounds little gross during these relaxing days, but wait I am not talking about the studies you do in your school/college or in your office. Actually, you have to learn something by which your mind and soul gets satisfied. For me its making music beats, but for you it could be painting and sketching or making YouTube videos.
  • Learn house chore works : Make tea with some bread and butter for you and your family by yourself, sounds tiring right? This was the same feeling for me about 8 months ago, but now i am comfortable with them.

The household works promote a sense of responsibility and cleanliness. It can teach empathy and develops gross motor skills and planning abilities, while we can get engaged with some works without getting bored.

  • Improve physical & mental health : this is the factor which is overlooked by everyone during these days which will lead to lethargic body and increased weight. You can stay away from these problems by doing Yoga and 10-15 minutes of simple exercise. I have shared couple of YouTube video links below, by which you can get an idea of which exercise to practice.
  • Watch movies : Yay! Its the most easiest and satisfying work to do, after sleeping, during lockdown. But, what you have to do is to watch ‘Top 100 IMBD rated movies of all time’.
  • At last you can learn some extraordinary things like mimicking your favorite actor or making vines videos on YouTube or make your own blog. This will keep you busy most of the time as they require lot of time to master it, but once you have learned it to perfection, you can become an entertainer and could earn big bucks.

At last, I would like to say that always try your best to get involved in anything that makes you happy or makes you cherish your hobbies that you pursued in your childhood because in that way you can make yourself stay away from negative useless thoughts that are enough to ruin your entire day which you could have used to learn something crucial.

I would like to suggest you to check our previous blogs which could play a vital role in learning new things, if used precisely.

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